Augers Well with Multiple Contractor Enterprise Agreement Vote
Having completed 7 simultaneous agreement vote for a series of contractors and sub-contractors working on one of the world’s largest natural gas projects and the largest single resource development in Australia’s history, CiVS continues to demonstrate why our name has become synonymous with simple, effective and economical Enterprise Agreement voting.

Agreement Vote Coordination
Leading up to the vote opening day, CiVS representatives met with each individual client to ensure the specific voting challenges of each individual workforce was understood and addressed. Key contacts within each company were briefed on the CiVS service as well as being provided test vote logins to ensure they were familiar and comfortable with the voting systems they employees would be utilising.
CiVS managed the agreement voting for all the 7 contractors with paperless electronic voting overcoming the difficulty of the facility’s quarantine requirements that could have potentially causing delays in employee voting if paper slips were used. By offering employees the option of voting either by using either the online portal, by SMS messaging or by phone voting the limitations of on-site communication systems were minimised.
Most of the contractors elected to utilise the CiVS Voter Information Portal to give their employees access to the agreement and other relevant documentation prior to and during the voting period.
With almost 5,800 employees voting during the 5 days the votes remained open, a 24-hour Voter Support was utilised by the clients. This proved to be ample helpline coverage as the “How to Vote” communication material prepared by CiVS coupled with the simplicity of the voting method resulted in less than 1.5% of the voting workforce accessing this service.
Read more about the features of CiVS online voting.