Business New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

New year’s resolutions aren’t only for individuals. Just like us, the new year is a time for businesses to resolve to continue good practices, make change, and improve. Below we’ve put some of our top business new year’s resolutions for 2022.



Give back to the community

Kick off the year by giving back. Corporate social responsibility initiatives are a must-have for any business, big or small. That’s because CSR initiatives have shown to come with a multitude of business perks from increasing public trust through to increased profits. The numbers are in — everyone loves a business that cares, so businesses should ensure they’re doing something to show they do.



Listen to your employees

When was the last time you put your ear to the ground?

The end of a year, or the start of the next one, is a great time to chime into what employees think of your business and use that information to evoke change. Consider using an employee survey to help capture these insights. A CiVS employee survey has the ability to collect thousands of opinions and summarise it neatly into one document — giving your employees a voice that’s easily understood. These documents can outline strengths and weaknesses, employee satisfaction, or any other elements relating to your survey objectives.



Support flexible work

Business that are still holding onto an in-office 9-5 working rule are falling behind. Covid-19 kicked off remote work in 2020 and it’s not going anywhere. In 2022, employees across divisions should have the opportunity for flexibility in their work hours, tasks, or choice of workplace. Whether at home or at the office — leave it up to them (even if it’s just one day a week that they stay at home).

Flexible work isn’t just great for employees — it’s good for businesses too. Research by Harvard Business Review has shown that flexible work offers higher productivity at a lowered cost. Just make sure that your company is also ready to help remote workers remain engaged and in-touch with the company culture.



Pay attention to new technology

Every year technology is more evolved than the last. Companies should ensure that they are keeping up to date with all the latest tech. Taking the time to review up and coming technologies that could potentially play a role in their business. This year take a think about,

  • The growing virtual reality space
  • The role of 3-D printing
  • Upcoming entertainment channels and platforms



Reconsider the structure of the business

In 2022, the structure of business is expected to change according to Forbes. The classic hierarchal pyramid structure is moving out of fashion with a flatter, more agile structure taking its place. A flatter structure allows businesses to respond quickly to change and reorganise teams efficiently. It is also more suited to the current nature of work which houses many freelance and remote workers.


Where do you see your company going in 2022?

If you’re interested in using an employee survey to help define your company moving forward, please contact us at [email protected] or give us a call at (08) 6314 0580.