Recruitment Boosted: 6 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process
Recruitment is a major deal. The people you hire are the foundation for your company and all the value it holds. Despite this fact, many hiring processes today aren’t updated. They’re messy, they don’t fit the market, or they’re not efficient. To help, we’ve compiled 6 major steps companies can take to boost their recruitment process. From how they should form their careers page, to building their talent pipeline.
1. Have a unique and appealing careers page
If your business doesn’t already have a careers page, you’re well behind when it comes to recruiting. A careers page provides a space for those interested in your company to apply directly to work with you. This page has the benefit of capturing a range of candidates. It helps connect you with those potential employees wanting to work with you, even when you don’t have a job opening. It also connects you with anyone who saw a job role of your published elsewhere. A careers page provides all candidates with a space to learn about your company, it’s culture, and how to be a good fit. Here’s some tips on how to build a good careers page (or what you can update to make yours the best!).
- Show what makes your company great. Include videos from current staff, or some statistics from an employee wellness survey. Add in any perks that your employees get from working with you. The right careers page will help you entice and capture top talent.
- Show off your company’s voice. A careers page should be able to show off what your company is like. This includes the company culture, values, and personality. Take a look at Huckletree if you’re stuck. They’re vibrant web layout lets potential hires know exactly who they are.
- Make it clear who you’re looking for. Say a little about your current employees, and what makes them great. This lets potential hires learn more about what would make them a good fit.
- Make it clear what your company is. Yes you may already have an ‘about’ page but that’s for customers — not recruits. Potential employees should know what it is that makes up the company. The work that goes into it, instead of just the final product.
- Make it obvious how to apply. Whether that’s a button they click or a central email they contact, make every job easy to apply for.
2. Only include must-haves in your job description
Heard of the confidence gap before? According to Hewlett-Packard (hp) men commonly apply for a job or promotion where they only meet 60% of the qualifications. On the other hand, women will only apply if they meet 100% of them. If you’re putting down preferences in your ‘ideal candidate’ description you may unwittingly be biasing applications towards men. If you want the best candidate, it won’t come from outlining it in the job advert. Instead, it will come from collecting many applicants with varying qualifications and analysing each one. If you’re willing to take on a candidate who is still an undergraduate don’t put that they need a degree in the job posting. Even if having a degree is the preference.
3. Market yourself to employees
This ties back in with point one. Remember, candidates aren’t just advertising themselves to you, you’re doing the same. To get the best candidates you’ll want to show how great working for your company is. One avenue to do this is to use employee survey statistics. A CiVS employee survey delivers a myriad of managerial insights. On top of that however, we can also provide insights on employee satisfaction and different elements of work. These statistics can then be used in your recruitment campaigns. To help you attract the very best.
4. Increase your candidate sourcing
So, you’ve got your role all written up — where do you publish it? Some might be tempted to chuck it on LinkedIn and call it a day. But, if you want good recruitment, you’ll have to do more than that. Here’s some places we like to look:
- Employee referrals. Every employee is an advocate for your company and can help promote it to potential hires. According to Linkedin, 45% of employees sourced from referrals stay for more than four years. In comparison only 25% of employees sourced from job boards remain for two years or more.
- Take advantage of social media. More than LinkedIn, put your job out on Facebook, Instagram, or anywhere else candidates might be.
- Look inward. Internal candidates have a lot to offer as they are already familiar with a company’s values and voice. Hiring from inside the company also reduces time for onboarding. Additionally, it shows employees that they’re working in a space with room to grow.
- Attend (and host) industry events. Take your talent search on the road. Industry events offer a great way to engage with eligible candidates. Meeting potential candidates in person also offers a more effective first-step than reviewing resumes. It gives you the chance to know those you might have initially dismissed.
5. Form a talent pipeline
Talent pipelines are a part of passive job seeking. Connect with potential employees in the early stages even when there’s no job available yet. Having multiple candidates on file is a major part of strong recruitment. This will allow positions to be filled quickly when they do pop up. It will also save time in the long run. It’s much easier to keep an eye out for good candidates than it is to scramble for them at the last second. Try joining an online professional community (or several) to connect with potential hires. This way you’re also putting your company out there for others to start thinking about. If someone you’ve talked to wants to jump into a new job, your company will be on their mind.
6. Streamline the hiring process
This one seems simple, but a large number of firms are holding onto seriously complicated recruitment strategies. A good recruitment process will make all information easy to find, and all contact easy to execute. If you feel like you’re drowning in candidate applications check if you can implement any of our below tips.
- Have an email for hires to contact. This can be the same or different from a standard admin email. It’s important that hires are all sending their applications to the same place, and that all that is being filed away accurately. If you’re posting job application on various websites, make it clear how applicants should apply. You don’t want to be caught juggling several emails, LinkedIn messages, and physical forms.
- Write up an email script. Don’t waste time thinking up the best way to get back to a candidate. Have a script ready to go for those candidates you love, love but not right now, and don’t think are the right fit. You’ll be surprised how much time you save.
- Create a standardised candidate evaluation template and tailor it to each role you’re hiring for. This great advice comes from the people over at BuiltIn. They recommend coming up with a clear plan on what you’re looking for and what makes a great candidate. Then taking that plan and creating a standardised interview for each candidate. This not only makes the process faster, but it makes it fair. By giving every candidate the same questions and opportunities.
The importance of a good recruitment process is often underestimated by companies. A good recruitment process is what makes for good employees. Good employees is what makes for good work, good culture, and a great bottom line. When it comes to updating your hiring, process don’t be slack about it. When it comes to advertising your company as a place to work, don’t be slack about that either.