Technology Answering EA Voting Challenges

The age-old problem of a HR or IR Manager having to demonstrate a better outcome with fewer resources in a shorter period has never been more real. Technology can assist immediately in achieving what must seem like impossible goals for HR departments.

An online Information Portal accessed via a URL distributed by email or SMS can ensure employees have access to the written text and any other material incorporated in an Enterprise Agreement. These online portals can be created by CiVS within a couple of hours.

Technology combining online voting platforms, SMS messaging and the telephone give employees the ability to vote immediately regardless of their proximity to old style ballot boxes or postal service. Like the online portal system, voting technologies remove costs and delays of paper-based printing but also remove the delay and complications of extensive ballot opening times, manual vote counting, scrutineering and ballot paper destruction or storage. High employee participation rates coupled with a shorter voting lead time and vote duration will only assist in finalising an Enterprise Agreement after completing agreement negotiation.

Modern business environments create challenges requiring innovate thinking and adoption of streamlined, effective solutions while remaining legislatively complaint. Technologies created by CiVS will drive the resolution of these challenges.

If you have an enterprise agreement vote approaching and would like more information on our services, please contact CiVS on 08 6314 0580 or via [email protected].